Short Codes
The platform's shortcodes allow organizations to easily insert formatting or content elements. Please go through the notification shortcodes below in the lists.
Phishing Campaign Notifications
{PHISHING_URL}: Shortcode to add the phishing URL to the fields
{FROMNAME}: Shortcode to display the from name information in the email.
{FROM}: Displays the from address in the email.
{TONAME}: Shortcode to display the name and surname of the recipient.
{TO}: Shortcode to display the email address of the recipient
{SUBJECT}: Shortcode to display the email subject information.
{TRAININGURL}: Shortcode to add the training URL to the email.
{MACRO_URL}: Shortcode to add the Macro URL to the email.
{MACRO_ATTACHMENT}: Shortcode to add the Macro attachments to the email.
{MACRO_FORM}: Shortcode to add the Macro form to the email (phishing campaign that triggers users to enter or submit data in office files).
{CUSTOM_MACRO_ATTACHMENT}: Shortcode to add custom office files in a macro-based phishing campaign, if customers want to use their own macro attachment.
Training Campaign Notifications
{TRAININGURL}: Shortcode to add training URL to the fields.
{FROMNAME}: Shortcode to display the from name in the email.
{FROM}: Shortcode to display the from address in the email.
{TONAME}: Shortcode to display the name and surname of the recipient.
{TO}: Shortcode to display the email address of the recipient
{SUBJECT}: Shortcode to display the email subject information.
{TITLE}: Shortcode to display training title.
{DESCRIPTION}: Shortcode to display training description.
{LANGUAGE_SELECTION}: For training in multiple languages, this option creates a selection menu using country flags and languages
Notification Templates
{USER}: Name and surname of the system user who took action related to the notification email.
{CREATEUSER}: Name and surname of the system user who has created your account or reset your password.
{USERNAME}: Email address of the system user who took action related to the notification email.
{LogsDesc}: Log details related to the event in the notification email.
{LogTitle}: Log title related to the event in notification email.
{LogDate}: Log creation date related to the event in the notification email.
{CAMPAIGNNAME}: Phishing campaign name in notification emails
{DATE}: The date of the actions (e.g. launching phishing, training campaigns etc.)
{OWNER}: The user who sends IR notifications
{MAILCOUNT}: Total recipient's number in a campaign.
{SMAILCOUNT}: Threshold value of the delivered email.
{SUMAILCOUNT}: The total number of successfully delivered email.
{EMAILCOUNT}: The total number of failed email.
{TONAME}: Shortcode to display the name and surname of the recipient.
{TITLE}: Title of the email and training
{TO}: Shortcode to display the email address of the recipient
{DESCRIPTION}: Description of the training
IR Notification Templates
{REPORTBY}: User information who reported the suspicious email
{SUBJECT}: Email Subject information of reported suspicious email
{COMPANYNAME}: Shortcode to add a company name
{ATTACHMENT}: Displays whether there is an attachment in the reported suspicious email.
{STATUS}: Displays reported suspicious email
{FROM}: Displays user who reported the suspicious email.
{SENDER_IP}: Sender IP address of reported suspicious email
{CREATE_DATE}: Report date of the suspicious email.
{COMPANY}: Displays the company name of the reporter.
{MAIL_DATE}: The original date of the reported suspicious email.
{CONTENT}: Displays the content information within Keepnet system reports email
{FROMNAME}: Shortcode to display the from name information in the email.
{SITEURL}: The Platform Portal's server IP or Hostname address
Last updated